Title: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite: Tips and tricks Post by: HCK on June 27, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Harry Potter: Wizards Unite: Tips and tricks
We're speed leveling to max out Wizards Unite and have learned a trick or two along the way to completing a registry and beating Fortresses. Here's what you need to know. It's clear that Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is a game with many facets, most of which are designed to get you out and about and playing the game as much as possible. While the game is easy to hop into, there are aspects of it that can be done a certain way to help you maximize your game time and the XP you earn. Here at iMore, we've been playing since the game released and we've been working on tips and tricks to help you as you start your Wizards Unite Journey. This list is not exhaustive; we will keep adding to it as we find out new things to help you beat the Calamity! Masterful casts give you more XP! Casting spells in Wizards Unite is your bread and butter. Learning to cast spells well will help you defeat Confoundables quicker, gain more XP from your battle, and use less energy on each battle. The key t... Source: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite: Tips and tricks (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/VLLbmzc263U/harry-potter-wizards-unite-tips-and-tricks) |