Title: Catch Mudkip during Pokémon Go Community Day on July 21st Post by: HCK on June 27, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Catch Mudkip during Pokémon Go Community Day on July 21st
What you need to know Mudkip is July's featured Pokémon Community Day is July 21 from 4-7pm You can look forward to three-hour lures Every month Pokémon Go delivers a Community Day where you can encounter a special Pokémon in the wild. These are often less common Pokémon and you can snag extra experience and new moves for them by catching them during the event. This month you'll be able to find Mudkip on July 21, 2019. In July the Community Day event is going to run from 4pm-7pm. During that time you'll be able to find more Mudkips than usual and get a 3x multiplier for catch XP. Additionally, there are also three-hour lures during the event. There is even an exclusive move that your Mudkip can learn, but for now, it isn't being revealed. Just remember that Fast TMs and Charged TMs will not grant exclusive moves during Community Day. In order to snag the exclusive moves, you'll need to catch or evolve Mudkip during the event hours. Thankfully this will ... Source: Catch Mudkip during Pokémon Go Community Day on July 21st (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/mRqFlSqSeYI/pokemon-go-community-day-returns-july-21) |