Title: The Suunto 9 is a wilderness runner's best friend — Here's our review! Post by: HCK on July 27, 2019, 04:05:21 pm The Suunto 9 is a wilderness runner's best friend — Here's our review!
When you're long-distance running through the woods, the last thing you want to do is slow down to look at your fitness tracker's tiny screen. If a tree falls in the forest does it make a noise? If you didn't share your latest brunch on Instagram did you enjoy it? And, if you go out for a run and didn't track it on running app, did it really count? This is where we're at, isn't it? All snark aside. I love my activity tracking devices. When I first started out running several years ago I took just my phone with me, listened to podcasts and enjoyed being able to track my activities. I check my performance after my run and enjoyed seeing my progression. So, when I saw people wearing huge colorful watches while running it puzzled me at first. My phone is with me always, the app to track my runs is free. Why would I spend several hundreds of dollars on another electronic device, when my phone is just good enough. Well, eventually I did buy into it and I didn't look back. The upside ... Source: The Suunto 9 is a wilderness runner's best friend — Here's our review! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/QPfzAuTOtpk/suunto-9) |