Title: Apple’s R&D spending reaches new height as it looks beyond the iPhone Post by: HCK on August 06, 2019, 04:05:23 pm Apple’s R&D spending reaches new height as it looks beyond the iPhone
What you need to know Apple is spending more than ever on research and development. R&D account for 7.9% for its revenue this part quarter. Apple is now on pace to spend $16 billion in R&D in 2019 as it preps for life after iPhone dominance. R&D hasn't accounted for this much of Apple's revenue since 2003. Apple is spending more than ever on research and development. According to a CNBC report, Apple dropped $4.2 billion on R&D during the third business quarter of 2019, accounting for 7.9% of its revenue, the highest percentage since 2003. The rising cost isn't out of the ordinary for most big tech companies, but it is for Apple who usually keeps the overall R&D number down. Microsoft and Google, for example, spent 13.4% and 15.7% of their revenue on R&D respectively. But as Apple moves to a future that relies less and less on the iPhone, it must spend money to find ways to offset declining revenue. During the third quarter, iPhone revenue fell 12%, contin... Source: Apple’s R&D spending reaches new height as it looks beyond the iPhone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/JwJlCKhfQxI/apple-spending-record-amount-research-and-development-it-searches-next-thing) |