Title: The iPhone XR is super inexpensive now, but the iPhone 11 is a better phone Post by: HCK on September 16, 2019, 04:05:20 pm The iPhone XR is super inexpensive now, but the iPhone 11 is a better phone
The iPhone 11 is being called the replacement for the iPhone XR, but with the many improvements over last year's model, the iPhone 11 is more like the replacement for the iPhone XS, but it's also the least expensive new iPhone Apple has launched since 2017. If you are considering whether to invest in the iPhone 11 or the iPhone XR or if you already have the iPhone XR and wonder if you should upgrade, we've got some advice. Much improved iPhone 11 From $699 at Apple Pros New colors dual-lens camera Lots of new camera features Longer battery life Dolby Atmos support Cons No coral or blue More expensive The iPhone 11 has some significant and major upgrades over the iPhone XR and it launches at a price $50 cheaper than the iPhone XR launched at. Today, however, you can get a XR for $100 less. Entry-level price iPhone XR From $599 at Apple Pros Brighter color options Same display quality as iPhone 11 $100 cheaper Cons Single-lens camera No support for Night mode or "Slo-f... Source: The iPhone XR is super inexpensive now, but the iPhone 11 is a better phone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/GChFYIJHX0w/iphone-11-vs-iphone-xr) |