Title: Watch the iPhone 11 take on the Galaxy Note 10 in latest drop test Post by: HCK on September 23, 2019, 04:05:24 pm Watch the iPhone 11 take on the Galaxy Note 10 in latest drop test
What you need to know Phonebuff has released a new video drop testing the new iPhone 11 Pro Max This video pits the new iPhone against the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ The results vary, depending on the location of impact Will Apple or Samsung's flagship be the drop test king? There have already been quite a few drop test videos of the iPhone 11 Pro Max by itself, so naturally the next move was to match it up against some competition. Reported by 9to5Mac, that's exactly what Phonebuff has done, pitting the new iPhone against Samsung's equivalent flagship, the Galaxy Note 10+. The first test drops both phones from a height of around three feet with their backs facing down. The iPhone 11 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ both shatter, but the Galaxy shows less overall damage. The second test drops both phones to ensure they impact on their sides. In this test, the iPhone performs much better and shows much less overall signs of damage. This can be attributed to the fact that t... Source: Watch the iPhone 11 take on the Galaxy Note 10 in latest drop test (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/qHwOndUDZ7s/latest-iphone-11-pro-max-drop-test-puts-it-competition-galaxy-note-10) |