Title: Beats Studio3, Solo3, and BeatsX get new colors Post by: HCK on October 20, 2019, 04:05:22 pm Beats Studio3, Solo3, and BeatsX get new colors
What you need to know The new Camo Collection has landed. Both BeatsX and Studio3 get two new colors. The color options continue to grow. We're spoilt for choice. Never ones to sit on stagnant color choices Beats has now updated a couple of its ranges. The BeatsX and Studio 3 Wireless have now gained new options. Starting with the Studio 3 Wireless we have a new Camo Collection (via MacRumors). The new options are functionally identical to existing colors, meaning the W1 chip and 22 hours of battery life are present. The same $349 price point remains, too. The Satin Collection is back in the Solo3 Wireless Headphones, too. Satin Silver and Satin Gold join the existing colors, the former of which is a personal favorite. You get the Apple H1 chip and a solid 40 hours of battery life for $199.95. The BeatsX sees the return of the old Defiant collection with Black and Red available - no matter which color yuou go for they'll be costing costing $99.95. Continuing the music theme A... Source: Beats Studio3, Solo3, and BeatsX get new colors (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Q0xPX4-0XqI/beats-studio3-solo3-and-beatsx-get-new-colors) |