Title: Update your iPhone 5 to iOS 10.3.4 before November 3 or else... Post by: HCK on October 28, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Update your iPhone 5 to iOS 10.3.4 before November 3 or else...
You'll never be able to use the internet again... What you need to know Apple has sent iPhone 5 users an alert recommending they update iOS to version 10.3.4. The July-released software helps older devices maintain accurate location and GPS functionality. A report suggests that without it, the iPhone 5 will no longer be able to connect to the internet. Apple has issued a reminder to iPhone 5 users strongly recommending that they update the software on their devices to iOS 10.3.4. As reported by 9to5Mac, iPhone 5 users who don't make the jump before November 3 risk not being able to use basic functions on their iPhones such as email, iCloud and the web: However, the problem is even more serious for iPhone 5. Apple is sending out alerts to iPhone 5 owners that their phones must be updated to iOS 10.3.4 before November 3. If the iPhone 5 is not updated in time, it will be unable to connect to the internet entirely, including web browsing in Safari, email, iCloud and App Store ser... Source: Update your iPhone 5 to iOS 10.3.4 before November 3 or else... (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/sSupMuT6BxE/update-your-iphone-5-ios-1034-november-3-or-else) |