Title: Adobe Creative Cloud now comes with thousands of iPhone and iPad fonts Post by: HCK on November 02, 2019, 04:05:21 pm Adobe Creative Cloud now comes with thousands of iPhone and iPad fonts
What you need to know Adobe has updated its Creative Cloud app. The update brings with it 1,300 free fonts. There are 17,000 fonts if you're a Creative Cloud subscriber. Now you can use custom fonts on iPhone and iPad. Adobe today updated its Creative Cloud iPhone and iPad app with a slew of new iOS 13 and iPadOS features including support for the Dark Mode everyone was so looking forward to. But the real news is the arrival of custom fonts. Apple announced that custom fonts were coming to iOS 13 and iPadOS earlier this year but the uptake has been slow. Adobe just gave the whole shebbang a real shot in the arm by bringing 1,300 free fonts to the platform. And if you're a fully paid up subscriber to Adobe's Creative Clout you get a whopping 17,000 to play with instead. Browse, install, and create with Adobe Fonts, now on mobile. Access 1,300 fonts for free, 17,000 fonts with your Creative Cloud plan. Find missing fonts in documents. Install on mobile to activate fonts on all y... Source: Adobe Creative Cloud now comes with thousands of iPhone and iPad fonts (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Faa6EyNf7IU/adobe-creative-cloud-now-comes-thousands-iphone-and-ipad-fonts) |