Title: How to beat Pokémon Go's latest Legendary Raid: Cobalion Post by: HCK on November 05, 2019, 04:05:20 pm How to beat Pokémon Go's latest Legendary Raid: Cobalion
The first of the Swords of Justice, Cobalion is here and we have everything you need to know to beat this Legendary Raid Boss! Starting November 4, 2019, Pokémon go introduced a new Legendary Raid Boss. The first and leader of the Swords of Justice, Cobalion is a Fighting and Steel-type Pokémon and players can challenge it for three weeks. While this means it is especially weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground types, there are definitely some real contenders in this fight and other Pokémon who just won't make the cut. We're here to walk you through building the perfect team for taking on this Legendary Pokémon! Who is Cobalion and what are the Swords of Justice? Like most Legendary Pokémon, Cobalion is one of a set. This particular set is known as the Swords of Justice and Cobalion is their leader. Based on The Three Musketeers, Cobalion represents Athos, the oldest and de facto leader of the group. The other three members of the group are Terra... Source: How to beat Pokémon Go's latest Legendary Raid: Cobalion (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Kdxb0_BsUkw/how-take-cobalion-pokemon-go) |