Title: GitHub mobile beta arrives for iPhone and iPad, Android on deck Post by: HCK on November 14, 2019, 04:05:21 pm GitHub mobile beta arrives for iPhone and iPad, Android on deck
GitHub is going mobile with beta testers on iOS. What you need to know GitHub launched its mobile app into beta today. GitHub mobile allows developers to work and communicate with their teams on the go. The app is first available for testing on iPhone and iPad, but an Android version is "coming soon." GitHub today launched its new mobile app into beta. The mobile app is first available for testing on iPhone and iPad, but says an Android version is "coming soon." "There's a lot you can do on GitHub that doesn't require a complex development environment, like sharing feedback on a design discussion and reviewing a few lines of code," GitHub said in its blog post announcing the app. "Now we are making these tasks easy for you to perform, no matter where you work, with a beautifully native experience." The app allows you to stay productive when away from your PC, reviewing code and merging changes wherever you may be. The app is built to automatically adapt to differing screen siz... Source: GitHub mobile beta arrives for iPhone and iPad, Android on deck (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/5KSTLfe8LhY/github-launches-mobile-app-beta-iphone-and-ipad-android-coming-soon) |