Title: Apple has raised more than $220m to help (RED) fight AIDS, says Tim Cook Post by: HCK on December 02, 2019, 04:05:22 pm Apple has raised more than $220m to help (RED) fight AIDS, says Tim Cook
What you need to know Apple's (RED) partnership has raised more than $220m to help fight AIDS. Apple sells (PRODUCT) Red accessories and devices. It's worked with (RED) for many years now. That's a ton of money for a good cause. Apple CEO Tim Cook says that Apple's partnership with (RED) has allowed it to help raise $220 million to help fight AIDS throughout the past 13 years. Apple makes and seels (PRODUCT) Red accessories and devices, including red iPhones, cases, and more. As of last year Apple had raised $200 million, with that number now having increased by 10%. This #WorldAIDSDay we mark our 13th year partnering with @RED to fight AIDS in Africa. Since 2006, our customers have helped us raise $220M. AIDS-related deaths have fallen by more than half since 2004. Together we can achieve an AIDS-free generation. https://t.co/h4wnIDGAmq— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) December 1, 2019 The announcement came as part of the annual Word AIDS Day with Apple highlighting the fact on... Source: Apple has raised more than $220m to help (RED) fight AIDS, says Tim Cook (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Xs5i2JVSWZg/apple-has-raised-more-220m-help-red-fight-aids-says-tim-cook) |