Title: Niantic is matching donations to STEM projects this Giving Tuesday Post by: HCK on December 04, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Niantic is matching donations to STEM projects this Giving Tuesday
Niantic will match your STEM donations this #GivingTuesday through their Donors Choose campaigns. What you need to know Currently, Niantic is raising donations towards two Washington classrooms for STEM education. Niantic will match every dollar donated through their Donors Choose campaigns. If successful, both classrooms will be able to purchase Ozobots to teach their kids about coding. Continuing its work in raising funds for STEM education, Niantic, the company behind Pokémon Go, Ingress, and Harry Potter Wizards Unite, is asking for donations to help two classrooms in Washington state purchase Ozobots, a classroom tool that helps teach children about coding. Niantic has a long history of helping to fund STEM education, having successfully funded nearly 200 projects through their Donors Choose campaigns. In fact, once completed, these two projects will make for an even 200. Niantic will also be matching every dollar donated towards these classrooms. Here's what the te... Source: Niantic is matching donations to STEM projects this Giving Tuesday (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/xdg9w8VwER4/niantic-encouraging-donations-stem-giving-tuesday) |