Title: Start using Siri on your mobile device Post by: HCK on December 04, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Start using Siri on your mobile device
Hey Siri, how do I get you to work? Here's how to customize the digital assistant. Siri is Apple's virtual, personal, digital assistant with a personality straight out of a Pixar film. With Siri, your mobile device can help you do all sorts of amazing things. But first, you may need to get Siri set up and up to speed. Follow along for a quick walkthrough on how to get started with Siri! How to use Siri How to edit a Siri question or command How to enable Siri in the Settings app How to set up "Hey Siri" How to change Siri's voice How to change Siri's language How to customize Siri voice feedback How to change your Siri contact info How to secure Siri with a Passcode Lock How to change settings on your iPhone or iPad with Siri How to use Siri Press and hold the Home button on your iPhone or iPad, or say "Hey, Siri" to activate Siri, depending on your device. Start speaking your command or question. How to edit a Siri question or command If Siri misheard you, you made a mi... Source: Start using Siri on your mobile device (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/EfHRWtDRCPM/how-set-configure-secure-and-start-using-siri) |