Title: Pokémon 068 Machamp Post by: HCK on January 21, 2020, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon 068 Machamp
Name: Machamp (Japanese: カイリキー Kairiky) Classification: Superpower Pokémon Type: Fighting Generation: Gen I Kanto Region Gender Ratio: 75% Male to 25% Female Height: 5' 3" (Machamp) 82'+ (Gigantamax Machamp) Weight: 286.6 lbs (Machamp) ??? lbs (Gigantamax Machamp) Evolution: Evolves from Machoke when traded. Evolves from Machoke with 100 Candies in Pokémon Go. Evolves from Machoke for free when Traded in Pokémon Go. Alternate Formes: Gigantamax Machamp How to catch in Sword/Shield: Strong Spawn in Wild Area Dusty Bowl North Lake Miloch Rolling Fields South Lake Miloch Stony Wilderness Max Raid Battles Gigantamax Raid Battles How to catch in Go: Evolve Machoke Raid Battles Description: Machamp is humanoid in shape, but it has an extra set of muscular arms coming out of its shoulder blades. His body is almost entirely bluish grey, save for pale yellow lips, three brown ridges atop its head, and black markings that resemble wrestler's briefs. It... Source: Pokémon 068 Machamp (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/MzoYOIS1e3Q/pokemon-068-machamp) |