Title: Getting content off of a deceased loved one’s iPhone can be tricky Post by: HCK on February 18, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Getting content off of a deceased loved one’s iPhone can be tricky
If someone you know has recently passed away, here's how you might be able to access content from their iPhone if you need to. Something is always left behind when a loved one passes away. As our devices become increasingly intertwined with our lives, they're also becoming something to think about when someone dies. Our iPhones often contain years of photos, contacts, message threads, and phone calls, and it makes sense that if someone you love has died you might want to hold on to some of that. Unfortunately, if the person protected their iPhone with a passcode, your options are limited. Apple builds its devices with security and privacy in mind, and won't (and often can't) unlock them for you if you don't have the passcode. However, there are some steps you might be able to take in order to get around these restrictions. Keep in mind, however, that at least some of these steps might not work. iCloud Erase and restore Restore from an iCloud backup Restore from an iTunes backup I... Source: Getting content off of a deceased loved one’s iPhone can be tricky (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/p4VEevaBrjQ/how-access-iphone-content-when-someone-passes-away) |