Title: Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC brings new lands and 200 Pokémon Post by: HCK on March 03, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC brings new lands and 200 Pokémon
Become the champion of the Galar region with a new team of Pokémon. It felt like it took a long time to come, but now the Galar region is here for you to explore. One thing's for certain, there's a lot of new features as well as returning features in Gen 8. But don't worry. We'll help guide you through everything. Without further ado here's your ultimate guide to Pokémon Sword and Shield. What are Pokémon Sword and Shield? What region do they take place in? What starters can I choose from? Can I catch Pokémon from other regions? Which Pokémon can I transfer into Sword and Shield? How many gyms are there? How do Pokémon encounters work? Does the game autosave? Are there HMs? Does the game have Exp. Share? Can I customize my character? What is Dynamaxing? What is Gigantamaxing? What's involved with the new multiplayer raid mode? What are Galarian forms? Are there new fossil Pokémon? Who are the team antagonists? What is Pokémon Camp? What are Poké Jobs? What differences are... Source: Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC brings new lands and 200 Pokémon (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Q5v2P-1kcGg/pokemon-sword-and-shield) |