Title: Apple has '30 Creative Activities for Kids' to stay engaged while at home Post by: HCK on April 10, 2020, 04:05:22 pm Apple has '30 Creative Activities for Kids' to stay engaged while at home
Stay creative with the iPad and iPhone with a ton of new activities for you and your kids. What you need to know The Apple Education team has '30 Creative Activities for Kids' to stay engaged. Tim Cook tweeted out the activities list this afternoon. All of the activities use an iPad or iPhone. While more and more students are staying home due to school closings, many parents are having to juggle both working from home and keeping their kids engaged. In an effort to provide parents with some ideas, the Apple Education team has put together '30 Creative Activities for Kids'. Tim Cook tweeted out the activities from the Apple Education team saying that "we know parents out there are juggling a lot in this challenging time. Apple's education team has some fun ways to keep kids everywhere creating." We know parents out there are juggling a lot in this challenging time. Apple's education team has some fun ways to keep kids everywhere creating. #CreativityForKids https://t.co/hWIrWeS... Source: Apple has '30 Creative Activities for Kids' to stay engaged while at home (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/bZOXeQBumvQ/apple-has-30-creative-activities-kids-stay-engaged-while-home) |