Title: British comedy 'Trying' arrives on Apple TV+ Post by: HCK on May 01, 2020, 04:05:20 pm British comedy 'Trying' arrives on Apple TV+
All eight episodes are out now! What you need to know There's a new series on Apple TV+. Eight episodes of Trying are now available. It's a comedy about a British couple trying to have a baby. A brand new series has today arrived on Apple TV+, and all eight episodes of Trying are now available to watch. Apple announced Trying back in January, from that press release: All-new heartfelt, hilarious British comedy to debut in its entirety exclusively on Apple TV+ Apple today announced that "Trying," its first original series from the UK to debut on Apple TV+, will premiere Friday, May 1 around the world. All Jason and Nikki want is a baby. But it's the one thing they just can't have. Starring Rafe Spall and Esther Smith, "Trying" is a new comedy series about growing up, settling down, and finding someone to love. BAFTA Award winner Imelda Staunton also stars. The series, featuring eight half-hour episodes, hails from BBC Studios and is written by Andy Wolton. The s... Source: British comedy 'Trying' arrives on Apple TV+ (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/NKH1U53-wss/british-comedy-trying-arrives-apple-tv) |