Title: "Mythic Quest" creators talk about "nightmare" episode shot with 40 iPhones Post by: HCK on May 21, 2020, 04:05:22 pm "Mythic Quest" creators talk about "nightmare" episode shot with 40 iPhones
The cast and crew of "Mythic Quest" deserve an Emmy. What you need to know The Hollywood Reporter sat down with the creators of "Mythic Quest". The creators talked about how they used 40 iPhones to shoot their "Quarantine" special. Rob McElhenney, who stars in the show as well, says it was the most difficult production he has ever done. "Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet", like any television series right now, has been forced to stop filming amid the coronavirus pandemic. That, however, did not stop the crew and cast from shooting a special "Mythic Quest: Quarantine" episode using the power of the iPhone. The episode, which is set to premiere on Friday, tells the story of how the team behind the game is handling self-isolation during the pandemic. Reported by The Hollywood Reporter, showrunners Rob McElhenney and Megan Ganz sat down with the outlet to talk about how they created the episode. Ganz started off by saying that the creators decided that the second season of the show sh... Source: "Mythic Quest" creators talk about "nightmare" episode shot with 40 iPhones (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/9dmTVnq93m4/mythic-quest-creators-talk-about-nightmare-episode-shot-40-iphones) |