Title: Woot is blowing out refurbished iPad, MacBook, and iMac models today only Post by: HCK on May 26, 2020, 04:05:24 pm Woot is blowing out refurbished iPad, MacBook, and iMac models today only
For just one day only, Woot's holding a sale on select Apple iMac, MacBook, and iPad models in refurbished condition with prices starting as low as $100. Most of the models in today's sale are at least a few years old, so you'll want to keep that in mind when ordering and take a close look at the specs of the item you're purchasing. There are a bunch of great options though, like the iPad Air 2 that's on sale from just $159.99 or 21-inch iMac models that provide you with a decent amount of computer for your money. There are some more recent devices on sale, though these tend to sell out faster. Top picks included the discounted 15-inch MacBook Pro from mid-2015 or the upgraded 2016 15-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. The 11-inch MacBook Air is also worth a look with prices from $349.99. Buying refurbished seems a bit worrisome at first, but these models have all been tested and ensured to be in good, working condition before being shipped out. Plus, they each come with a 90-day wa... Source: Woot is blowing out refurbished iPad, MacBook, and iMac models today only (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/u7vdMdMUgjk/one-day-out-blowout-offers-big-discounts-refurb-imac-macbook-and-ipad-models) |