Title: New Apple TV+ ad reminds everyone that it has great shows for kids, too Post by: HCK on May 26, 2020, 04:05:25 pm New Apple TV+ ad reminds everyone that it has great shows for kids, too
What you need to know Apple TV+ has shared a new YouTube video to remind users of its kids shows. Shows including "Snoopy in Space" and "Helpsters" are promoted. Apple continues to try and increase subscriptions. And keep existing ones. But is anyone watching them? Apple TV+ shared a new video to YouTube over the weekend, this time focusing on reminding everyone that there's something for the kids to watch. Shows like "For All Mankind" and "The Morning Show" have received most of the attention, but there's plenty for the younger age group as well. The new video shows off some of the best shows your kids could be watching right now with "Snoopy in Space" and "Helpsters" just two of those showcased here. Original series and films to inspire the next generation of dreamers, explorers, and believers. All on Apple TV+. Apple continues to try and pull in new subscribers, but that might not be its biggest challenge. Many people will have to decide whether to continue their A... Source: New Apple TV+ ad reminds everyone that it has great shows for kids, too (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Q--k3oNWGDE/new-apple-tv-ad-reminds-everyone-it-has-great-shows-kids-too) |