Title: Belkin's new smart speaker brings premium Devialet sound to everyone Post by: HCK on May 28, 2020, 04:05:23 pm Belkin's new smart speaker brings premium Devialet sound to everyone
Here's a smart speaker that sounds better than it looks. Back in January, accessory maker Belkin moved outside its comfort zone by introducing a new smart speaker. The SOUNDFORM Elite looks a lot like an Apple HomePod, but with its top sliced off at an angle. That top serves as a built-in wireless charging dock for smartphones like the iPhone. Inside, it features audio components from high-end audio brand Devialet. Instead of Siri, the speaker uses Google Assistant. I've had the opportunity to test a SOUNDFORM elite in my home for the last few weeks. Here's what I found. An affortable choice Belkin SOUNDFORM Elite Smart Speaker Bottom line: Looks aside, the SOUNDFORM Elite Smart Speaker is a joy to use and a practical choice for Apple users and others alike. The Good Bass-y sound quality Easy setup 10W wireless charging G... Source: Belkin's new smart speaker brings premium Devialet sound to everyone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/hQkc8ktSyWE/belkin-soundform-elite-review) |