Title: Sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited, get an Amazon Echo Dot for £10 Post by: HCK on June 09, 2020, 04:05:24 pm Sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited, get an Amazon Echo Dot for £10
Amazon is giving UK customers the perfect excuse to sign up for its Music Unlimited streaming service. Right now, you can get the newest Echo Dot smart speaker for only £9.99 when you sign up for two months of Music Unlimited. That means you'll get two months of ad-free music streaming and the Dot smart speaker for as low as £25.97 total with Amazon Prime. If you don't have a Prime membership, the Music Unlimited service is priced a tad higher at £9.99 per month so your total would be £29.97. Either way, it costs less than the Echo Dot alone and you'll be able to play whatever music you want on your new smart speaker when it arrives. Sounds like a deal Amazon Music Unlimited + Amazon Echo Dot This limited-time offer gets new subscribers two months of Amazon Music Unlimited's individual plan and an Echo Dot for just £29.97 (and even less with Prime). See at Amazon Echo Dot is Amazon's best overall smart speaker option and one of the easiest ways to start up a smart home. Co... Source: Sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited, get an Amazon Echo Dot for £10 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/JbljM-KX2nE/get-amazon-echo-dot-just-ps10-when-you-sign-amazon-music-unlimited) |