Title: Apple lands neo-noir psychological thriller "Losing Alice" for Apple TV+ Post by: HCK on June 28, 2020, 04:05:21 pm Apple lands neo-noir psychological thriller "Losing Alice" for Apple TV+
Apple continues to expand its lineup of international original series. What you need to know Apple has landed "Losing Alice" for Apple TV+. "Losing Alice" is a neo-noir psychological thriller from Israel. The eight-episode series will stream worldwide later this year. Today, Apple announced in a press release that it has acquired the streaming rights to "Losing Alice", a neo-noir psychological thriller from writer and director Sigal Avin. The eight-episode original series will begin streaming on Apple TV+ later this year. The series follows the story of Alice, a 48-year-old film director who becomes obsessed with a 24-year-old screenwriter. The audience will follow Alice's journey through flashbacks and flash-forwards that will take viewers through the conscious and subconscious of her mind. "Losing Alice" is a thrilling cinematic journey that uses flashbacks and flash-forwards in a satisfyingly complex narrative that takes the viewer through the conscious and subconscious ... Source: Apple lands neo-noir psychological thriller "Losing Alice" for Apple TV+ (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/r-AFUBD3iW0/apple-lands-neo-noir-psychological-thriller-losing-alice-apple-tv) |