Title: Swim, collect sea creatures, and build mermaid decor with the ACNH update Post by: HCK on July 04, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Swim, collect sea creatures, and build mermaid decor with the ACNH update
The water's fine in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Dive on in and see what new things there are to explore. Since swimming and diving was something that could be done in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, we've long suspected that these aquatic activities would be coming to New Horizons. Finally, three months after the game's release, players will be able to jump into the big blue and take part in several new oceanic activities. Whether you're trading scallops with Pascal for Mermiad DIY recipes or looking for new creatures to take to Blather's museum, there are plenty of fun new experiences to discover. Here's how to unlock swimming in Animal Crossing: New Horizons along with a list of all the water activities that come with it. How to download the Summer Update How to swim & dive How to get a wet suit Sea creature museum donations Pascal, scallops, and mermaid DIY recipes Gullivarr (Pirate Gulliver) How to download the Summer Update Wave 1 If, for some reason, the new swimming... Source: Swim, collect sea creatures, and build mermaid decor with the ACNH update (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/A19ZtE5fTc0/animal-crossing-new-horizons-how-swim) |