Title: Lightricks launches Quickart, a one-tap photo editor for the iPhone Post by: HCK on July 09, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Lightricks launches Quickart, a one-tap photo editor for the iPhone
Turn your photos into art with one tap. What you need to know Lightricks has launched a new app called Quickart. The app lets you quickly apply digital effects to your photos. Lightricks is the developer behind other photo apps like Facetune and Enlight. Lightricks is the developer behind popular photography apps like Facetune and Enlight Photofox and now, the company is out with a new app to make digital art easy for beginners. The company has launched Quickart, which it touts as a "one-tap photo editor" for the iPhone and iPad. Quickart allows users to import their photos and then apply interesting effects with ease and without the need for any editing experience. Built to provide audiences with a fast, easy way to make imaginative creations that express the world through their eyes, Quickart solves a challenge many face when working to create from a blank canvas: bringing ideas to life with just a tap—no previous editing skills required. Zeev Farbman, Co-Founder an... Source: Lightricks launches Quickart, a one-tap photo editor for the iPhone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/G-TLARsdNF4/lightricks-launches-quickart-one-tap-photo-editor-iphone) |