Title: Review: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the best Smash has ever been Post by: HCK on July 29, 2020, 04:05:23 pm Review: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the best Smash has ever been
Ultimate has earned its name and then some. As I was sitting down and planning out this review, I scrapped so many intros. See, I wanted to express to you all how much I love the Super Smash Bros franchise — I played the original all the way back on the N64 and was a master of Melee. But everything I wrote came out dry, so I ended up abandoning the idea of talking at length about my history with this franchise. I will say this: fewer of my memories are fonder than Melee tournaments on Fridays after school on the good ol' Gamecube. No gaming experience has ever been able to match that in my book — except maybe some of my Halo memories — and I look back at those times with great affection. But here we are now, so many years later, and Smash has hit peak Smash-ness with Ultimate. It's got a massive roster of characters, the best and smoothest gameplay yet, and just a ton going on. It's all around the best Smash has ever been, and I absolutely love the game. Nintendo crushed it ... Source: Review: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the best Smash has ever been (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/HwP4j7jtUZQ/super-smash-bros-ultimate-review) |