Title: Cortana (unsurprisingly) bidding farewell to iOS, Android, Invoke next year Post by: HCK on August 02, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Cortana (unsurprisingly) bidding farewell to iOS, Android, Invoke next year
Microsoft is ending support for Cortana on even more devices. What you need to know Microsoft is ending support for the Cortana apps on iOS and Android. Microsoft is ending support for Cortana on the Harman Kardon Invoke Speaker. Microsoft is ending support for the current version of Cortana on the original Surface Headphones. Need we go on? Microsoft announced several cuts coming to Cortana, its digital assistant today, including ending support for third-party Cortana skills, the Cortana apps on iOS and Android, and Cortana support of the Harman Kardon Invoke speaker. These cuts come as part of Microsoft's shift of Cortana towards being a productivity-centered assistant. Cortana support for the various devices won't be cut off at once. Cortana skills will no longer be supported as of September 7, 2020. In early 2021, Microsoft will stop supporting the Cortana apps on iOS and Android. Harman Kardon Invoke speakers will lose support for Cortana in January 2021. Microsoft points... Source: Cortana (unsurprisingly) bidding farewell to iOS, Android, Invoke next year (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/1klSNOj1WWg/microsoft-cutting-cortana-out-several-devices) |