Title: It's easy to share your HomeKit home with friends and family. Here's how! Post by: HCK on August 02, 2020, 04:05:20 pm It's easy to share your HomeKit home with friends and family. Here's how!
How do I add users to my HomeKit home? By inviting them, of course! You needn't be the only person controlling your HomeKit habitat! With a few quick taps, you can invite guests, roomies, friends, and family to control your various HomeKit accessories. It's a super simple process that'll grant others the power to control your accessories. How to invite people to your HomeKit home on iOS iPadOS How to invite people to your HomeKit home on iOS iPadOS 14 How to invite people to your HomeKit home on macOS Big Sur How to adjust a person's permissions on iOS and iPadOS How to adjust a person's permissions on iOS and iPadOS 14 How to adjust a person's permissions on macOS Big Sur How to invite people to your HomeKit home on iOS and iPadOS Launch the Home App. Tap the House Icon in the top left corner of the screen. Tap Inviteā¦ under the People section. Type in the Name of the Person you'd like to invite. Tap Send Invite in the top right corner. You'll know you're successful if ... Source: It's easy to share your HomeKit home with friends and family. Here's how! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/MRyHshaU2lE/how-add-users-your-homekit-home) |