Title: Review: The Little Woods Tea Passport Subscription Box is simply delightful Post by: HCK on August 06, 2020, 04:05:18 pm Review: The Little Woods Tea Passport Subscription Box is simply delightful
Sample interesting and delicious teas and sometimes herbs each month. The Little Woods Tea Passport Subscription Box contains a month's worth of tea in each box. With three one-ounce sample envelopes and a small bonus sample, you'll be sipping all month long. Your tea passport Little Woods Tea Passport Subscription Box Bottom line: Each month, you'll try three different teas plus one bonus tea or herb sample. The Good Three one-ounce sample bags of tea each month One small bonus sample of tea or herbs Seasonally selected teas At least one caffeine-free tea per box No repeats in a calendar year Detailed brewing instructions included First box contains "passport" to take tasting notes on your teas The Bad No personalized selections From $14/month at CrateJoy Seasonal selections Little Woods Tea Passport Subscription Box... Source: Review: The Little Woods Tea Passport Subscription Box is simply delightful (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/L-Ynlz9fdmc/little-woods-tea-passport-subscription-box-review) |