Title: Creaks, Necrobarista, and The Lullaby of Life are on Apple Arcade! Post by: HCK on August 06, 2020, 04:05:18 pm Creaks, Necrobarista, and The Lullaby of Life are on Apple Arcade!
Apple has created the mobile arcade to triumph over all mobile arcades, and we are excited! Apple Arcade showcases more than 100 new games — some are even exclusive to Apple Arcade. It's available on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. So if you are an Apple user on any device, you can take advantage of this gaming subscription! This is a complete list (in alphabetical order) of every Apple Arcade title you can play right now. Game on! Apple Arcade $4.99 per month from Apple Unlimited games, one price Apple Arcade has over a hundred premium games with more added regularly each week. There is something here for everyone, and it only costs $5 a month for all you can game! What's new on Apple Arcade New games are coming out for Apple Arcade all the time, here's what's new on Apple Arcade this month! Creepy puzzle adventure Creaks This spooky puzzle adventure game has a beautifully hand-crafted art style that really lends itself to the spooky and creepy atmosphere it tries... Source: Creaks, Necrobarista, and The Lullaby of Life are on Apple Arcade! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/GQAO33Nup8E/confirmed-apple-arcade-games) |