Title: Apple News+ in iOS 14 will open all article links in the News app Post by: HCK on August 11, 2020, 04:05:17 pm Apple News+ in iOS 14 will open all article links in the News app
Apple News+ is getting a controversial new feature. What you need to know Apple News+ will open articles from publishers directly in the News app. The move could continue to hurt publisher's own subscription business. It will, however, create a better experience for Apple News+ subscribers. Apple News is making some changes with how it handles links in iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur. Reported by MacRumors, the new software is introducing a toggle that will open web links from Apple News+ publishers directly in the Apple News app instead of taking users to the publisher's website. Enabled by default in the Settings app, the option to open web links in Apple News is an Apple News+ "feature," so an Apple News+ subscription is required to have the Apple News app open when a web link is tapped. The behavior was pointed out by Tony Haile on Twitter, who says that the feature will directly cannibalize a publisher's core subscription audience. Woah, I wonder ho... Source: Apple News+ in iOS 14 will open all article links in the News app (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/RsxgYcESBeM/apple-news-ios-14-will-open-all-article-links-news-app) |