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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on June 10, 2011, 07:00:20 am

Title: Apple Registers 50 New Domain Names Associated With WWDC Announcements
Post by: HCK on June 10, 2011, 07:00:20 am
Apple Registers 50 New Domain Names Associated With WWDC Announcements

      Dot Weekly posts a list (via TechCrunch) of fifty new domain names registered by Apple on Monday in association with its announcements made at its WWDC keynote.  While none of them appear to be a surprise given the features and products announced at the event, the list does provide an interesting glimpse at how Apple is locking up web references to its products.airplaymirroring.com, appleairplaymirroring.com, appledocumentsinthecloud.com, applegestures.com, appleicloudphotos.com, appleicloudphotostream.com, appleimessage.com, appleimessaging.com, appleiosv.com, appleitunesinthecloud.com, appleitunesmatch.com, applelaunchpad.com, applemailconversationview.com, applepcfree.com, applephotostream.com, appleversions.com, conversationview.com, icloudstorageapi.com, icloudstorageapi.com, icloudstorageapis.com, icloudstorageapis.com, ios5newsstand.com, ios5pcfree.com, ipaddocumentsinthecloud.com, ipadimessage.com, ipadpcfree.com, iphonedocumentsinthecloud.com, iphoneimessage.com, iphonepcfree.com, itunesinthecloud.com, itunesmatching.com, macairdrop.com, macgestures.com, macmailconversationview.com, macosxlionairdrop.com, macosxlionlaunchpad.com, macosxlionmissioncontrol.com, macosxlionresume.com, macosxlionversions.com, macosxversions.com, mailconversationview.com, osxlionairdrop.com, osxlionconversationview.com, osxliongestures.com, osxlionlaunchpad.com, osxlionresume.com, osxlionversions.com, osxresume.com, pcfreeipad.com, pcfreeiphone.comThe new registrations are of course accompanied by icloud.com, which Apple acquired from Swedish company Xcerion as that firm rebranded its cloud services as CloudMe.  Apple apparently also acquired icloud.org from Xcerion as part of that deal, although that domain continues to redirect to Xcerion's CloudMe services instead of Apple's iCloud pages.


