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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on February 23, 2012, 07:00:04 pm

Title: Spotify Gets Gapless Playback, Yes Fans Rejoice
Post by: HCK on February 23, 2012, 07:00:04 pm
Spotify Gets Gapless Playback, Yes Fans Rejoice

A brand new update from Spotify adds a couple of great new features. The Mac and Windows versions of the subscription music service both now support gapless playback and crossfading of songs. There is also a scattering of other tweaks and improvements. One headline feature will be welcome to fans of mixes and concept albums: [...]Related StoriesDilbert And Steve Jobs Agree: Phablets Suck [Humor]iPhone And iPad Gaining Acceptance At The Office But With A Hefty PriceT-Mobile Reports Another Huge Quarterly Loss Due To Lack Of iPhone 4SApple, Foxconn, FLA Respond To ABC’s ‘Nightline’ Report With Some Minor CorrectionsCirago iPad Keyboard Case Looks Curiously Familiar
