Title: Netflix Indifference Highlights RIM’s Downward Spiral Post by: HCK on February 25, 2012, 03:00:04 am Netflix Indifference Highlights RIM’s Downward Spiral
Let’s face it, RIM has been suffering from a serious split personality conflict. The company is trying to cling to its enterprise business while also making it’s brand more attractive as a consumer alternative to iOS and Android. Nowhere has this been more obvious than in the company’s PlayBook tablet. RIM initially pitched the PlayBook [...]Related StoriesUse Bump To Instantly Share Contacts & Photos With Your Friends [iOS Tip]Hyped ‘Clear’ To-Do iPhone App Moves An Impressive 350K Copies In Just 9 DaysAssistantLove Lets You Control Spotify And Your iPhone’s GPS App With Siri [Jailbreak]Clear Apple, Beyond Horizons, ArgyleSocks [Wallpaper Weekends]Ban.jo’s New Update Gives You Exact Whereabouts for Even More of Your Friends [Daily Freebie] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/1vX19LLnIMM/story01.htm |