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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on February 25, 2012, 03:00:26 am

Title: Apple Fans Celebrating Steve Jobs' 57th Birthday with Party at Fifth Avenue Retail Store
Post by: HCK on February 25, 2012, 03:00:26 am
Apple Fans Celebrating Steve Jobs' 57th Birthday with Party at Fifth Avenue Retail Store

      Today would have been Steve Jobs' 57th birthday, and a number of Apple fans are taking the opportunity to commemorate his life and legacy, with the topic currently appearing on Twitter's list of top trending topics worldwide.

Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011 following a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

A pair of Apple fans in New York City are planning a party in Jobs' honor at outside Apple's flagship Fifth Avenue store in Manhattan.To fete what would have been Jobs’ 57th birthday, dancers will gyrate to Bob Dylan songs while vegetarian birthday cake is served and black turtlenecks are handed out to hundreds of Apple fans, according to the event’s organizers, Brendan McElroy and Seth Rogers. [...]

“If you want to respect his memory, the best way of doing it is focusing on a lot of the positive memories we have of him,” [Rogers] said.The party is planned to take place from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM today, and CNBC earlier today aired an interview with the two organizers about their plans.


Coincidentally, today also marks the 12th birthday of MacRumors.  The site has grown along with Apple and now reaches over 9.5 million unique visitors per month with roughly 70 million monthly page views.  As always, we are grateful to our readers, contributors, sponsors, and all those for whom MacRumors is an online home or a regular stop.

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