Title: Xappr Gun Dock for iPhone Opens Fire Post by: HCK on February 26, 2012, 07:00:04 pm Xappr Gun Dock for iPhone Opens Fire
Hey, iPhone users with death wish: We have just the thing to tantalize your suicidal tendencies. It’s called the Xappr, and it’s an augmented reality gun for your beloved iPhone 4. Simply pre order the Xappr for $30, hop on the plane to any decent-sized U.S city and wait for the cops to see you [...]Related StoriesHyped ‘Clear’ To-Do iPhone App Moves An Impressive 350K Copies In Just 9 DaysAssistantLove Lets You Control Spotify And Your iPhone’s GPS App With Siri [Jailbreak]Clear Apple, Beyond Horizons, ArgyleSocks [Wallpaper Weekends]Ban.jo’s New Update Gives You Exact Whereabouts for Even More of Your Friends [Daily Freebie]The CultCast Is Officially The Most Popular Technology Podcast On iTunes http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/yTy6gznK_pM/story01.htm |