Title: This Free App Can Crack Apple’s iBooks DRM Post by: HCK on February 26, 2012, 07:00:04 pm This Free App Can Crack Apple’s iBooks DRM
The DRM restriction that prevents Apple’s iBooks from being opened on other devices can now be removed by the latest version of a free DRM removal tool. Requiem 3.3, a piece of software that is incredibly popular for removing the DRM from music and videos purchased from the iTunes Store, has been updated to crack e-books purchased [...]Related StoriesAssistantLove Lets You Control Spotify And Your iPhone’s GPS App With Siri [Jailbreak]Clear Apple, Beyond Horizons, ArgyleSocks [Wallpaper Weekends]Ban.jo’s New Update Gives You Exact Whereabouts for Even More of Your Friends [Daily Freebie]Chomp? Why Didn’t Google Think of That?The CultCast Is Officially The Most Popular Technology Podcast On iTunes http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/1lLPaH-FLw0/story01.htm |