Title: How Apple Makes the World a Better Place Post by: HCK on April 01, 2012, 03:00:03 am How Apple Makes the World a Better Place
What the world needs now isn’t love, sweet love. It needs more companies like Apple. Critics slam Apple for not giving more to charity. It’s a reasonable complaint. Apple should be more philanthropic. Under Tim Cook they probably will be. However, Apple helps the world in a far more profound way than some annual contribution [...]Related StoriesJailbreak Released For Apple TV Running Newest 5.0 SoftwareThis Tablet From 1994 Is Hurting Apple’s Defense Against Samsung [Video]Our Story Got Foursquare To Kill API Access To Creepy Stalking App Girls Around Me [Update: Facebook Responds]Spotify Continues To Allow Unlimited Listening For Free U.S. Users, Drops 5-Track Limit For EuropeansCreepy Girl-Stalking App Girls Around Me Has Been Yanked From The App Store http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/p3PqMtkdV_U/story01.htm |