Title: Navigon Adds Google Street View To Maps App Post by: HCK on July 03, 2012, 11:00:02 am Navigon Adds Google Street View To Maps App
Navigon has added Google Street View to its iOS navigation app, as well as a few other enhancements – including the dangerous sounding “cockpit” mode. This probably won’t be the last independent app to include Google’s essential service after Apple kicked it out of iOS6, but it does at least mean we can keep using [...]Related StoriesWalkthrough Of Apple’s New Notes, Reminders And Find My iPhone Web Apps From The iCloud BetaThe 30 Most Patriotic Wallpapers For Your Mac Or iPad [Gallery]How To Customize Google Chrome For iOS And Make It Your Default Browser [Jailbreak]Apple Injunction Holds; Judge Not Swayed By Samsung AppealApple’s Bid For Emergency Ban On HTC Phones Fails http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/cwDK8enYNHs/story01.htm |