Title: This iCloud Shaped House Might Be The Ultimate Apple Fantasy [Gallery] Post by: HCK on July 26, 2012, 07:00:03 pm This iCloud Shaped House Might Be The Ultimate Apple Fantasy [Gallery]
Don’t you just love iCloud and how it seamlessly keeps all of your information synced up, making you feel all warm and light and free? Don’t you just want to marry it, or maybe live inside a nice fluffy iCloud synced world? Maybe not. But now you can, if you move to Melbourne, Australia and [...]Related StoriesSprint Announces 1.5 Million iPhone Sold During Second Quarter 2012Automatic Lens Cap Fits Any LensValve’s Gabe Newell: Windows 8 Is Going To Be A “Catastrophe”Path Update Pulls From Instagram, Facebook And Foursquare, But Only For New UsersGoogle Just Brought 3-D Maps To iOS Before Apple Could http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/v49S2u3UmhY/story01.htm |