Title: Combine Photos Using Blending Modes With Layover For iPhone Post by: HCK on August 16, 2012, 07:00:04 pm Combine Photos Using Blending Modes With Layover For iPhone
Question: Do you have any idea what the following terms mean? Multiply, Screen, Layover, Soft Light, Hard Light, Color Dodge, Color Burn, Addition, Difference, Darken, Lighten, Hue, Saturation, Color and Luminosity. Answer (if you didn’t answer “yes” yourself): They’re blending modes. And a new iOS called Layover lets you use them to combine layered images. [...]Related StoriesJPEG Rotation And Lossless Editing In iOSApple-Samsung Trial, Day 10, Damages Expert Michael Wagner Testifies [Liveblog]Which iOS App Do You Use To Snap Photos Before Uploading To Instagram? [Let's Talk]Apple Admits It “Messed Up” With Retail Staffing Cutbacks, Says “Employees Are Our Most Important Asset”iPhone Discrimination: Why Reps At The Big Carriers Don’t Want To Sell You Apple’s Smartphone [Feature] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/iDQh8JGQ-es/story01.htm |