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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on September 26, 2012, 07:00:59 pm

Title: The Macalope Daily: Obligatory Princess Bride reference
Post by: HCK on September 26, 2012, 07:00:59 pm
The Macalope Daily: Obligatory Princess Bride reference

Nigam Arora is back and he’s still riding that mule of an argument that goes “Steve Jobs would never …” Just to let you know how lazy and hackneyed this argument is, the Macalope is going to temporarily break his proscription against linking to Business Insider because BI editor Steve Kovach has banned his writers from using it.

That’s how lazy and hackneyed it is.

Anyway, the horny one is sure your use of it is going to be awesome, Nigam. Please proceed.

“Buggy Apple Maps Point Way To Mediocrity In Post-Jobs Era” (tip o’ the antlers to Atlas Cerise)

Has Arora never heard of the mother of all corporate scandals, including Enron, WorldCom, the events in the movie Wall Street and the green-lighting of the sequel to the movie Wall Street? It occurred on Steve Jobs’s watch and was a little thing called Antennagate.

It is interesting how Antennagate has been shoved down the memory hole in order to make it look like Apple never had a scandal and shipped nothing but perfect products and the sun was shining and kittens and puppies before Jobs died and not-Steve-Jobs took over.

It is no secret that Apple Maps in iOS 6 has problems. These problems are likely more serious than generally believed.

More serious than the front page of The New York Times?! Someone get Ted Koppel and a day counter their own show, quick!


How serious is it? Well, the Macalope hopes you’re sitting down, but it’s apparently so serious that … Apple is hiring people to work on maps.

Do things get more seriouser than that?

Steve Jobs was not an engineer by education and training, but it is well known that he was a good planner especially when it came to attracting the right talent long before launching the products.

“Like with MobileMe.”

“Wait, let me start again …”

So, does Arora think all the talent that Steve Jobs hired has left the company in the last year and they’ve all be replaced by mouth-breathing yahoos? Possibly from Yahoo?

Sorry, people who used to work at Yahoo!

But you do breath with your mouths open.

Based on the history of Steve Jobs, it is inconceivable not only that he would have introduced iOS 6 with these problems…


…but it is also inconceivable that he would not have requisite talent on board long before introduction.



MobileMe? Never happened. No-button iPod shuffle? Never happened. Antennagate? Never happened.

You know, Steve Jobs was CEO up until August of last year. How long before a major operating system upgrade does Arora consider “long before”? Apparently it’s still less than a year.

From an investment point of view, this incident points to another risk in Apple stock. This is the type of data that is entered into the change screen of my method.

One wonders exactly how you quantify “bad data in one app on a smartphone platform.” The Macalope doesn’t know, but he’s going to imagine that, based on Arora’s hysterical reaction to this issue, it’s an integer followed by a whole mess of zeroes.

[Editors’ Note: Each week the Macalope skewers the worst of the week’s coverage of Apple and other technology companies. In addition to being a mythical beast, the Macalope is not an employee of Macworld. As a result, the Macalope is always free to criticize any media organization. Even ours.]


