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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on November 08, 2012, 07:00:04 pm

Title: This iSiri Smartwatch Concept Would Be Apple’s Most Radical Product Yet [Video]
Post by: HCK on November 08, 2012, 07:00:04 pm
This iSiri Smartwatch Concept Would Be Apple’s Most Radical Product Yet [Video]

We were a bit disappointed when Apple made the iPod Nano larger this year. The watch-like form factor of the iPod Nano was perfect for a lot of people and we were really hoping Apple would eventually make a iWatch that will rival the Pebble. Federico Ciccarese has come up with a revolutionary concept called [...]Related StoriesWhen Will Apple Release iTunes 11? Probably Next Wednesday. Here’s WhyApple Removes Code Hiding Samsung Apology From U.K. HomepageLightning Connector Is Waterproof, But Accessory Makers Have To Be As Ethical As Apple To Use ItiPad Mini Wi-Fi + Cellular Slated To Start Shipping In Five Days, Arrive November 21stThe Big Jambox Might Just Be More Than You Can Handle [Review]
