Title: Hey, Chillax! HeartMath Wants to Help You Fight Anxiety With Your iDevice Post by: HCK on March 01, 2013, 07:00:03 am Hey, Chillax! HeartMath Wants to Help You Fight Anxiety With Your iDevice
It’s taken three years, but HeartMath has finally responded, in the form of a major redesign, to the concerns we (and probably other critics) voiced over their original emWave stress-management gadget. Where the emWave required plugging in to a USB port and cost $300, their new Inner Balance system works with pretty much any 30-pin [...]Related StoriesBeautiful Disney Toy Story: Smash It! 3D Block-Breaker Game Arrives on iOS and Android11 bit Studios Announces Anomaly 2 For Mac – Trailer And Dev Diary OnlineApple Board Changes Its Mind, Now Requires Execs To Hold Triple Their Salary In Stock OptionsMore Dubstep! Real Racing 3 Branded Headphones Announced By EA And SteelSeriesHDR Video, HD and New Filters Come to Free iOS Video App Socialcam [Daily Freebie] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/yZFw5ilulNA/story01.htm |