Title: Automator workflow of the month: Automatically copy Photo Stream images Post by: HCK on May 29, 2013, 11:01:04 am Automator workflow of the month: Automatically copy Photo Stream images
I recently read Jeff Carlson’s “Four things Apple could do to improve iPhoto right now,” and one point he made struck me in particular—that I couldn't make Photo Stream images appear in a folder of my choosing. Thinking how convenient this could be—for copying images into my Dropbox folder, for example—I set about finding a way. The slow and clumsy way A simple-but-clumsy way to do this is to access the folder where the images are stored on your Mac and then open a load of folders inside that folder to get to your images. You can navigate to this folder by choosing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, entering ~/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub in the Go to the folder field, and clicking Go. This exposes a window full of folders, each folder containing an image. The "sub' folder, packed with subfolders that hold images As I said, clumsy. And lacking the kind of automation that would make the process really sing. So naturally I turned to Automator. And came up with this. The Automator way Launch Automator (in your /Applications folder) and from the workflow template chooser select Folder Action and click Choose. Into the very top pop-up menu that follows ‘Folder Action receives files and folders added to’, drag the folder named ‘sub’ that we just visited. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.macworld.com/article/2038940/automator-workflow-of-the-month-automatically-copy-photo-stream-images.html#tk.rss_all |