Verizon's FreeBee Data 360 program lets companies pay for your mobile Internet usage<article>
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Before 2016 comes to an end, the apps on your smartphone may be paying for your wireless data usage. Verizon announced on Tuesday that it will start testing a program where companies can
pay to sponsor a user’s data. Those sponsorships mean Verizon subscribers can use an app or certain parts of an app without that usage counting against their data cap.</p><p>
The new program is called FreeBee Data 360 and currently comes in two flavors. FreeBee Data 360 lets a content provider, such as a news service, sponsor some or all of the mobile data a subscriber uses to access that content. The sponsorship can include a website, app, or both, with content providers paying by the gigabyte.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/3024235/mobile/verizons-freebee-data-360-program-lets-companies-pay-for-your-mobile-internet-usage.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Verizon's FreeBee Data 360 program lets companies pay for your mobile Internet usage