How to set up your Mac with an external GPUWarning: This isn't officially supported by Apple yet, and a bit hacky. But if you want top-tier graphics performance, here's what you need to do.
Updated April 2017: NVIDIA's Pascal drivers are now available for download on the Mac, if you plan to use a Titan Xp as an external GPU.
External GPUs are in the news lately, what with NVIDIA's announcement offering macOS drivers for its Titan Xp, so we thought we'd take a second to explain what, exactly, an external GPU is — and how you'd go about getting one.
What you need to know about the Mac, Thunderbolt 3, and external GPUs
External GPUs: Supercharging gaming and video production
All Macs have a CPU, which provides the primary processing power for your computer. But in addition, they have a GPU — a graphics processing unit — designed to drive your computer's screen, external displays, and visuals.
GPUs are what sell high-end Windows gaming laptops and desktops: They keep your favorite game flawless, y...
How to set up your Mac with an external GPU