Pokémon Go updates: What's new and what's next!What new features are coming to Pokémon Go in 2017? Gen 2, new Gym system, Player vs. Player, and perhaps trading and more!
Updated May 10, 2017: Pokémon Go may be getting ready to crack down on Blissey/Snorlax stacking in Gyms, but also might start letting you feed them. Wait, what?
Pokémon Go launched in the summer of 2016 and has been updated regularly ever since. From Buddies to bonus streaks, we've been getting major new features roughly every three months and a lot of smaller updates and tweaks in between. So, what does 2017 hold for Pokémon Go? Gen 2 launched in the first quarter, so that leaves the new Gym system, PvP, and maybe even trading for the rest of the year.
Here are all the latest Pokémon Go updates!
New: Pokémon Go Bans Snipers | Next Pokémon Go Event
Hot: Best movesets | Best Power-Ups | Find rares | Catch bonuses
Guides: Pokémon Go tips + tricks | Pokémon Go cheats
May 10, 2016: Hi...
Pokémon Go updates: What's new and what's next!